The best idea with an effective tool is all one needs to start their business. The same thing goes well for the on-demand multi-service business too. Explore this blog to know more about the concepts of an on-demand multi-service business and the process involved.

We all know this is an instant era with increasing demand for all kinds of services. Be it a cab booking service, a food delivery service, or a home cleaning service, we need an instant solution. To meet out such instant demands, the Abservetech team has a handy solution. Yeah, you heard it right! We have an on-demand multi-service app (Wogostar or Gojek Clone) that acts as a one-stop solution for all the on-demand services.

Let me take you through the concepts of Gojek Clone and how one can launch an on-demand multi-service business with our Gojek clone app.

Brief Description of Gojek Clone

Gojek clone also called an on-demand multi-service app, acts as a central hub to list all the on-demand services. It is an interface through which the users can select their required services, contact the service providers and enjoy their service. Hence it fills the gap between the users and the service providers.

How to launch an on-demand multi-service business with Gojek Clone?

As the business demands more and more of a client-based approach, your app should reach your target customers on time. For that to happen, one should have effective software. 

Look at the step-by-step process of launching your business with the Multi-service app.

Service Listings

First and foremost, you should select the type of services you want to list in your Multi-service app. There are various on-demand multi-services available, among which choose the ones you prefer. Because the developers will develop your app in such a way, it supports the process even if you add some other services to the listings in the future.

Draft your Requirements

Furthermore, the entrepreneur should draft their business requirements. That helps the developers to incorporate or enable the features they are looking for in the app. For instance, if they want a tracking option or a chatting option, they should state it in their requirements.

Platform Preferences

Some people prefer web panels, while some others prefer Android or iOS platforms. So, know your target audience’s preference and build an app that is cost-effective and highly accessible.

Tie-up with your Partner Agencies

After selecting the services, tie up with the related service agencies. For instance, if you add online cab booking services to your app, find a cab booking agency and confirm a deal with them.

All set to Launch

Now you are ready to launch your app with all the services and a perfect workflow incorporated.

Wogostar – Gojek Clone’s Specifications

But wait! We at Abservetech have a readymade Gojek Clone and avail the best on-demand multi-service app for our customers. So you can skip all the above-stated processes because our Gojek clone package has all these features already incorporated in it. Our Gojek clone is compatible with all the services, among which you can list the services you want by enabling it.

We offer

  • Admin panel
  • Service provider app/panel
  • Delivery boy app
  • Customer app

Our service listings include

  • Taxi Booking
  • Bike Ride Booking
  • Car Rentals Booking
  • Bike Rentals Booking
  • Food Delivery
  • Grocery Delivery
  • Wine Delivery
  • Pharmacy Delivery
  • Babysitting Services
  • Car Washing Services
  • Beauty Services
  • Maid Services
  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Pest Control
  • Carpenter 

Benefits of our 24/7 Support

  • Technical/Bug Support
  • App Submission
  • Source Code
  • Rebranding

Add-on Features of our Gojek Clone

  • Custom Payment Gateway Integration
  • Multilingual Integration
  • Custom Currency Integration
  • Multi-Domain License

Wind up

So, we hope you are clear with the concepts of our Gojek Clone and have an idea on how to launch your business with our Multi-service App. If you want to know more about our app, we are ready to unfurl the features listings in detail for you via a demo. 

Feel free to reach us at [email protected] or ping us at +91 9222 47 9222

Let me wind up here and catch you on the product demo. 

To Connect Us

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WhatsApp: +91 9222 47 9222

Skype: Abservetech